Black Dog Institute partners with government to deliver mental health training

The Black Dog Institute has partnered with the NSW government in a new initiative that will see the organisation deliver mental health training to a range of industries.

Funded by the NSW government as part of its Mentally Healthy Workplaces Strategy, the SafeWork NSW program will deliver training to 3,600 industry managers across the state to increase mental health wellbeing in work environments.

Associate Professor Samuel Harvey, lead researcher of the Workplace Mental Health Program at the Black Dog Institute, said: “There are three key risk factors that contribute to poor workplace mental health, including occupational uncertainty; lack of value and respect; and an imbalance in job design.

A recent and randomised controlled trial of managers who attended the organisation’s manager training showed significant benefits by using the program.

“Over a six month period, managers who attended our workshop showed measurable improvements in behaviour and confidence in dealing with at-risk staff, and their employees had reduced levels of sickness absence,” Harvey said. “There was also a demonstrated return on investment of $10 for every $1 spent on training.”

In Australia, mental health conditions are the leading causes of long-term sickness absences and work incapacity, equating to $11 billion lost to businesses each year.

Minister for Better Regulation, Matt Kean, said the NSW government is thrilled to be partnering with the Black Dog Institute as part of their 2018-22 mental health strategy.

Kean said: “The Black Dog Institute is a world leader in mental health research. It has a proven track record of developing tailored training that creates and maintains mentally healthy environments.

“No matter what industry you’re in, people are your greatest asset. The Mentally Healthy Workplaces Strategy is all about supporting people at work, and helping them get back to work when they’re ready.”

Free training for medium sized organisations of 20 to 199 employees will be provided by the Black Dog Institute to regions across NSW in technical, telecommunications, transport and manufacturing industries.

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