Better Boards Australasia has commenced a new research series, Boardroom Insights, which expands on the scope of the Better Boards Non-Profit Board Member Remuneration research from 2011 and 2012–13, and will involve a survey that focuses on strategic partnerships and collaborations in the not-for-profit (NFP) sector.
Questions the new research will address include:
- How and why are NFP organisations forming partnerships?
- How formal are these collaborations and what part do they play in the organisation’s overall strategy?
- What sized organisations are leveraging strategic partnerships to assist their goals?
- Would their purpose be diluted or ineffective without collaboration?
- How prolific is collaboration within the sector and do these partnerships need to be with for-profit entities to be effective?
- What are the common risk factors of partnerships?
The survey aims to provide NFP leaders with ideas and inspiration for further collaborative growth and exploration. The survey results will also provide a snapshot of the state of NFP boards in 2014 and continue to build on findings from past Better Boards research.
- Stephanie Chan
- Stephanie Chan
- Stephanie Chan
- Stephanie Chan