Aged care elevated to cabinet: A landmark move for seniors

government aged care

Minister Anika Wells appointed to lead cabinet-level aged care, signalling a commitment to improving aged care.

The Australian Government’s decision to elevate aged care to a cabinet portfolio has been met with enthusiasm by Anglicare Australia, a leading provider of aged care services.

Executive Director Kasy Chambers expressed her delight at the appointment of Minister Anika Wells to the cabinet, highlighting the significance of this move for older Australians. “The issues facing our seniors have never been more critical,” Chambers emphasised, “yet for far too long, aged care has been treated as a secondary concern, often viewed as a stepping stone for politicians to other roles.”

Chambers believes that Minister Wells’ elevation to cabinet signals a much-needed shift in this approach. “This appointment demonstrates that the Government is finally recognising the urgency of the challenges facing the aged care sector and is committed to addressing them with the seriousness they deserve,” she stated.

With the government’s aged care reforms currently in a critical phase of implementation, Chambers stressed the importance of this elevated status. “This move clearly indicates that the Government is serious about ensuring a smooth and successful transition to a more robust and equitable aged care system,” she explained. “It underscores their understanding that high-quality care for our seniors is not just a social responsibility, but essential for the well-being of our entire nation.”

Chambers also expressed her confidence in Minister Wells’ ability to lead this crucial portfolio. “Minister Wells has consistently demonstrated a deep commitment to improving the lives of older Australians,” Chambers said. “She has worked tirelessly alongside seniors, their families, and the aged care sector to deliver the landmark Aged Care Act and drive vital reforms that will significantly enhance the quality of care across the country.”

Looking ahead, Anglicare Australia expressed its eagerness to continue collaborating with Minister Wells and the Government to ensure the successful implementation of these crucial reforms and build a truly world-class aged care system for Australia.

Also read: New commissioner for aged care quality & safety

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Milton writes as both an occupation and a hazard. He also works on the newsletters you see on Tuesday and Thursday with articles you should find interesting.

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