Whitepaper: What you should measure from your volunteer program

“Turn doing the right things into achieving clear definable targets”

Despite volunteers playing a pivotal role in the operational and financial stability of nonprofits, many organisations still struggle to define clear metrics to help measure their goals and the value of their volunteer program.

Although volunteers experience numerous benefits from the act of volunteering itself, program coordinators often find it challenging to express their appreciation for their volunteers in terms of the value and impact that their time delivers

Having the right volunteer management solution in place can give your team valuable data, which can not only be used to measure impact but also drive engagement with your volunteers. From matching your volunteers to the best roles suited to their qualifications and interests, to celebrating volunteer milestones including birthdays and hours volunteered, having the right reporting system in place is essential to successful nonprofit volunteer programs.

In Rosterfy’s latest white paper, we take an in-depth look at what nonprofits should be measuring when it comes to their volunteer program both from an impact, engagement and compliance standpoint. Once you know what you’re looking for, we take a closer look at how to use this data to help improve, grow and scale your volunteer program to help deliver on your nonprofit’s mission.

To learn more about how a volunteer management solution could help you gain data-driven insights, get in touch with the friendly team at Rosterfy to request a demo. 

Download your copy of ‘What should you measure from your volunteer program’ to find out more.

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Alice Turnbull is a content creator and brand and marketing specialist at Rosterfy. Having worked in marketing, PR and events for close to 10 years, Alice is passionate about providing organisations with the tools they need to meaningfully connect with their audiences. When she's not writing, designing and collaborating, you'll find Alice happiest in her kitchen cooking or exploring new places (and new food!) around the globe with her family.

Third Sector provides high-level content and services for professional development and organisational growth to leaders and senior executives from Australia’s NFP sector and its supporting industries.

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