Alison Covington, Founder and Director, Good360 Australia
Alison Covington is the Founder and Director of innovative product philanthropy not-for-profit (NFP) Good360 Australia.
Having been a Director of several multi-million dollar organisations internationally, Covington has an impressive record of innovation, a reputation for increasing profitability in loss-making corporations, and leading through the challenges of major industry reform.
Covington’s business acumen has provided a platform for her to cultivate philanthropic pursuits and create positive social difference.
Covington will reveal how she leveraged the collective support of the public, private and third sectors to successfully launch Australia’s first product philanthropy giving place. She will also delve into the unique technology used to support Good360’s GivingPlace.
David Buley, CFO, Association of Independent Schools of NSW
With a career spanning 33 years, David Buley has held senior management roles in finance, IT, education and NFP organisations. His current roles include CFO of the Association of Independent Schools and Board and Investment Committee Member of NGS Super Fund.
A passion for strategy and innovation has seen him undertake courses from The Wharton School, Columbia University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
In his presentation, Buley will provide an overview of what good and bad strategy look like and the tools required to create an effective strategy plan that resonates with your organisation’s mission and engages stakeholders. He will articulate actionable concepts that can be used to engage your board in a discussion that truly seeks to dig deeper to define a future strategy. This is a not to be missed session for all NFPS.
Janine Wilson, Executive Director, Donor Services, Australian Red Cross Blood Service
Previously Janine Wilson was the Director of Strategy and Business Development for the New York Blood Center, prior to that she was a Consultant for McKinsey & Company.
At the Australian Red Cross Blood Service she is responsible for the management of blood donor collection centres nationally and also the organisation’s marketing function.
The Australian Red Cross Blood Service is responsible for providing blood components and products for patients across Australia in partnership with 500,000 blood donors nationwide. The ability to recruit and engage blood donors of the correct blood type at the right time of year is critical to the organisation’s ability to meet patient demand. It is Wilson’s job to ensure the organisation achieves this goal.
The Australian Red Cross Blood Service has adopted social media as part of its core marketing operations and now has over 100,000 Facebook followers.
As the key driver behind the organisation’s social media strategy, Wilson will reveal how the organisation has harnessed social media to actively engage donors and drive donations.
- Sarah Harding
- Sarah Harding
- Sarah Harding
- Sarah Harding