The real contribution of volunteers

In its recent submission to the Productivity Commission’s study on the contribution of the NFP sector to Australian society, Volunteering Australia has said that in order to support current volunteers, as well as encouraging more volunteering throughout the sector, it is necessary to:

  • Provide greater acknowledgement of their contribution;
  • Invest more in volunteering;
  • Provide protection for all volunteers at both organisational and regulatory levels; and,
  • Consider more carefully the ramifications to volunteers and volunteering when creating new public policy.

Volunteering Australia says that research into all the areas where volunteers are involved, the roles they take up, as well as the incentives and barriers to volunteering will lead to deeper awareness that will enable the development of tools and inclusive processes that more completely meet the needs of volunteers and organisations.

The submission also calls for more long term funding in the sector that would meet the strategic directions of organisations who involve volunteers.

Operating under standards of good practice will maintain volunteers’ contribution at a consistently high level, the report indicates, noting however that the development and implementation of such standards should be flexible to meet relevant individual and organisational needs.

A further key point mentioned was the absolute importance of considering the potential impact on volunteers of the development relevant legislation and regulations. The submission recommended building strong government and volunteer infrastructure relationships as the best method for communication and interaction.

Volunteering Australia’s full submission can be seen here

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