Social inclusion a priority for all jurisdictions: Ministers agree

Social inclusion was identified as “a more pressing challenge as Australia recovers from the global financial crisis”.

Governments agreed to work collaboratively, with a view to prioritising:

  • children at risk of disadvantage;
  • disengaged young people;
  • jobless families; and
  • locational disadvantage.

All governments agreed a joint program of work to drive further reform and better service provision through collaboration

The Commonwealth and States and Territories agree to work together to develop a draft action plan on social inclusion by early 2010 reflecting the decisions taken at the Social Inclusions Ministers Meeting.

Early years, education and employment to local community renewal, mental health and disability reform and measures to increase social housing and reduce homelessness were identified as broad areas of concern for social inclusion.

The next meeting will take place in the first half of 2010.

The meeting was held as part of the Australian Government’s Social Inclusion Agenda.

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