Small businesses and social enterprises to get internet savvy

Small Business Minister Dr Craig Emerson yesterday announced the launch of the Government’s $10 million Small Business Online program to support small businesses boosting their online presence.

Internet training service providers can now apply for grants of between $50,000 and $500,000 to deliver training and mentoring services to help small businesses become internet savvy. Organisations with experience providing IT support to small businesses will be highly regarded.

“The National Broadband Network will provide enormous opportunities for small businesses operating online to reduce their costs and improve their marketing reach,” Emerson said.

“This program aims to help small businesses to enhance their web presence and develop their e-business potential.” Social enterprises that meet the selection criteria can also qualify for the program.

Applicants can include industry associations, professional and business organisations, educational institutions, social enterprises and business enterprise centres.

The program will deliver services to small businesses until June 2011.

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