As part of the methodology of Phase 1, Volunteering Australia undertook an online survey; held face to face meetings with state volunteering centres; held forums with volunteer resource centres; sought feedback from organisations that had implemented the National Standards and welcomed submissions.
Overall the results found that:
1. Respondents called for a refinement of the National Standards rather than a major rewrite.
2. The National Standards are used in a variety of ways – from checklist, through to complete adoption. The term ‘implementation’ was found to be different, largely but not wholly due to the material and physical resource base of the organisation.
3. Accreditation of the National Standards was viewed very favourably. This will be explored fully in Phase 2. In the development of any accreditation model, consideration will be given to organisations that have previously adopted the National Standards so that they too can be accredited in accordance with ‘best practice’ principles of volunteer management.
- Zelda Tupicoff
- Zelda Tupicoff
- Zelda Tupicoff
- Zelda Tupicoff