“The Compact is not only about creating a strong, vibrant, independent and innovative third sector. Even more importantly, it is also about how we work together to create inclusive and resilient Australian communities,” Parliamentary Secretary for Social Inclusion and the Voluntary Sector Senator Ursula Stephens said.
Broad sector consultation last year revealed strong sector support for developing a compact. Participants at the Workshop debated and finalised the final draft of the Compact that will be taken out to broad public consultation next month.
“Broad consultation starting next month is very important and will target not only third sector organisations but members of the wider community as well,” Senator Stephens said.
The workshop also discussed the consultation strategy for ensuring broad exposure and diverse participation. Senator Stephens launched the centrepiece of the consultation strategy – an online forum that will enable organisations and individuals to freely discuss the draft Compact together.
“The forum is a fantastic mechanism because it will enable this to be an iterative process. We will be able to process the initial feedback and then relay it back to the forum for assistance with prioritising the issues raised,” Senator Stephens said.
The compact is part of the government’s wide reaching third sector development agenda that includes significant commitments including the Productivity Commission’s review of the social and economic contribution of the non-profit sector in Australia and the ongoing work to harmonise regulations and reduce red tape for the sector through the Council of Australian Governments.
- Katherine St Lawrencehttps://thirdsector.com.au/author/katherine-st-lawrence/
- Katherine St Lawrencehttps://thirdsector.com.au/author/katherine-st-lawrence/
- Katherine St Lawrencehttps://thirdsector.com.au/author/katherine-st-lawrence/
- Katherine St Lawrencehttps://thirdsector.com.au/author/katherine-st-lawrence/