New AI-enabled platform to boost Maths teaching in Australian schools

ai-enabled platform

Knowledgehook, an AI-enabled platform for Mathematics learning has launched in Australia to help the nation’s teachers turn a corner in addressing low Maths attainment levels for young people. It is now available to schools across the country for children in Year 3 to Year 10 classes, through The Learner First, a consultancy working with schools across Australia.

Knowledgehook’s proprietary technology harnesses data to track where students are on their math journey. Their programmes connect a child’s at-home learning with in-school education, providing real-time insights to teachers on learning gaps.

This empowers teachers to develop an understanding of the maths concepts related to their students’ challenges, enabling them to adjust instruction and monitor student progress.

The latest Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study TIMSS1 found that Australia’s achievement in mathematics has improved since 2015. However, Year 4 mathematics achievement has not changed since 2007.

One of the biggest challenges facing educators is to find better ways to meet the learning needs of the many students who fall behind in schools, failing to meet year-level expectations (often year after year) and, as a consequence, become increasingly disengaged.

“Australia’s results in international testing are improving. The impact of a national approach to teaching and learning Mathematics has impacted on this improved outcome. Teachers need to be supported to maintain this trajectory of improvement by having the ideas and tools to enhance the engagement of their students to develop critical and creative thinking and further mathematical skills. This will enable students to adjust to the ever-changing demands and challenges of life in the future,” said former Australian mathematics Curriculum leader Margaret Bigelow.

Meanwhile, Knowledgehook co-founder and CEO Travis Ratnam said the platform was inspired by his own struggles with maths as a child.

“Having the right, personalised guidance makes all the difference and every student deserves to have a teacher who has access to the best pedagogical tools, and parents who have insights into their learning. Our platform is not a game, it pulls together a 360 view on a child’s learning journey enabling people around them to improve the child’s math experience and outcomes,” he said.

Knowledgehook’s AI-enabled platform is also used by schools across the US, Mexico, and the UK. It is designed to scale across multiple countries and languages developing teacher capacity while engaging students and providing actionable insights for parents. Over the years, Knowledgehook has garnered partnerships and investments from the most recognised global education bodies, notably from the University College of London (UCL), a leader in education research.

Knowledgehook actively collaborates with governments around the world while also working directly with schools and their suppliers, to offer curriculum-aligned solutions. The company currently empowers teachers in more than 100,000 schools. In 2021, it is anticipated the solution will reach 50,000,000 students globally.

“We have received growing interest for our technology and expertise to be applied to other subjects and we look forward to expanding our solution to empower more educators and support the learning of students to become the problem-solvers of tomorrow,” Qamar Qureshi, Knowledgehook President and Chief Business Officer added.

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Paulo Rizal is a content producer for Third Sector news. He has working experience in journalism, SEO, and social media marketing.

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