Provide services, advice, representation and support to over 10,000 members. AMA Victoria is the voice of Victorian doctors on issues affecting the medical profession, the public health system, mental and community health services, and Victorians’ ability to access quality health care.
Our members…
Are doctors from across all sectors of the profession including doctors in training, general practitioners, specialists, salaried medical officers, academics, medical students, researchers and retirees.
The biggest challenge our membership faces is…
The challenges affecting the health system. Ongoing national health reform is a lengthy process requiring serious consideration and a continuing relationship with both state and federal governments.
Member benefits include…
Free access to the expertise of AMA Victoria’s professional staff for expert workplace relations advice and representation, first line legal advice, expert advice on practice issues, alerts on proposed and new legislation and regulations, exclusive access to information and resources, marketing support for practices with the Victorian Medical Directory, GP Search, free classified advertising, and networking events.
We advocate strongly for…
The needs and interests of AMA Victoria’s members, which includes ensuring all Victorians have access to high quality health care. Our member doctors put their collective strength behind state and national campaigns and lobbying to influence public health policies and regulations to improve the health of all Australians.
Our greatest achievement…
Includes successfully focusing the debate on asylum seekers back to a discussion about people rather than political point scoring. In response to the AMA’s strongly worded advice to the Federal Government, it has recently announced an extra $452 million to provide medical care to asylum seekers in detention.
At a state level, AMA Victoria has been influential in shaping Government policy on health and as a result Victoria will receive 800 extra beds in hospitals to provide care for those who need it.
Our events…
Support members throughout their careers with a variety of training, professional development programs and social events. Our events range from rural subdivision forums and special interest events including retired doctors’ luncheons, women in medicine sessions, medico legal seminars, expos and gala dinners.
As an association it is important to…
Be in touch with the needs of members and to provide effective representation for all members.
- Alex York
- Alex York
- Alex York
- Alex York