Featured CEO: Brayden Howie on the Future of Global Population

Brayden Howie

Action on Poverty CEO, Brayden Howie spoke to Third Sector on the Future of Global Population as the world’s population prepares to surpass 8 billion.

“This major milestone is not all doom and gloom as technology advances, a greater emphasis on disadvantage and inequity develops, and those with resources better understand their role and potential impact on the world. Whilst the future has its many challenges, it remains bright,” said Howie.

A lot of the very basic gains in health and education and other major things have been achieved for many countries. However, with the growing global population ageing, new concerns arise in the NFP sector.

“We’ve already shown in the past that we can dramatically improve health and education at a time that the population has grown at an unprecedented rate.”

Howie highlighted that it’s now important to address the next layer of things such as inequalities, quality of education, education outcomes and vocational education.

Action on Poverty has been supporting community-led development projects since 1968 and continues to provide international aid in 28 countries.

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Menchie Khairuddin is a writer Deputy Content Manager at Akolade and content producer for Third Sector News. She is passionate about social affairs specifically in mixed, multicultural heritage and not-for-profit organisations.

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