Develop governance in your not-for-profit with Third Sector

The Third Sector Professional Development Seminar will be a chance to listen, learn and share with associations, member representative, community and advocacy groups to develop your not-for-profit governance needs.

The format of the Seminars will include:

  • Case study presentations from not-for-profits
  • An interactive panel session
  • A networking lunch
  • A tailored workshop with Steven Bowman.

The full seminar program of speakers is being finalised but we are excited to have Steven Bowman onboard to present an intensive workshop with the not-for-profit delegates in each state.

Steven is a former not-for-profit executive and is one of Australia’s leading governance and senior executive team specialists. Co-founder and Director of ‘LifeMastery’, Steven is renowned in the business and not-for-profit sector for his master classes on board management, leadership and strategic innovation.

Steven’s workshops will be highly interactive and to ensure delegates get the most out of the day, upon registration delegates will be able to submit some of the issues they would most like Steven to cover.

The morning will include presentations from Surf Lifesaving Australia, the National Association of Women in Construction, the Alternative Technology Association and Optometrists Association Australia.

More details will be available soon!

Make sure you register your interest now at

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