Connecting Up Conference 2015

Purchase 2 fulltime conference registrations and get your 3rd registration at 50% off!
Purchase 1 masterclass registration and get your 2nd registration at 50% off!

This year’s conference has an exciting program filled with 40+ international and national speakers from the not-for-profit and corporate sectors. Program streams include Technology, Digital and Marketing, Leadership and Productivity.

Participate in 2 intensive pre-conference masterclasses on Wednesday 27 May 2015.

Masterclass: Fundraising in a digital world, presented by Darian Rodriguez Heyman
Join us for a dynamic, interactive deep dive into the tips and tools that can help your organization raise more money both online and off. Starting with an overview of Darian’s top ten fundraising tips, which offer insights into getting your board to fundraise, appealing to individual donors and foundations, maximizing online giving, and leveraging corporate partnerships. The afternoon will include an overview of best practices for social media, including Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, and finally a session specifically designed to help you harness the fundraising potential of these powerful outlets and the broader crowd funding movement.

Masterclass: Develop an IT improvement plan for your organisation
This interactive, action focused masterclass (targeted to organisations with 20 – 120 staff) will guide participants through a process of assessing their organisations technology environment and help them to develop an IT improvement plan, with a focus on IT infrastructure, Office 365 and best practice technology governance to get the most from their organisation’s technology investment.

Full agendas for both masterclasses can be downloaded via our website, click here.

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