Community grants available to raise awareness about global poverty

The $1.5 million Australian Government ‘Community Call to Action’ initiative aims to generate community awareness about global poverty issues and support for achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The MDGs are a set of targets agreed to by 189 countries, including Australia, which are aimed at drastically reducing global poverty by 2015.

Last year marked the half-way point to achieving the MDGs. Global leaders, including Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, pledged to call their communities to renewed action on achieving them.

Parliamentary Secretary for International Development Assistance Bob McMullan said the Community Call to Action recognises that everyone can contribute to the fight against global poverty.

“You might be part of a road safety group that can highlight the link between poverty and transport deaths, or you could be a member of a chamber of commerce that can stage events and displays that bring stories from developing countries to Australians,” Mr McMullan said.

“The Community Call to Action can give your organisation the opportunity to reach out with a message and be a part of a movement to change the lives of millions of people around the world.”

Funding is open to community groups, professional and peak bodies, membership-based not-for-profit networks and small businesses and organisations not already receiving funding through the AusAID-NGO Cooperation Program.

Activities may include networking events that build links between organisations, conferences, seminars, workshops and special events.

Grant applications will be considered based on their ability to achieve good outcomes in addition to raising awareness.

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