Celebrating International Womens’ Day with IWDA event

The music and arts event will be held at the Thornbury Theatre in Thornbury, Victoria, featuring artists including Clare Bowditch, Deborah Conway & Willy Zygier, Stiff Gins, Sally Dastey of TIDDAS, Lucie Thorne, The Red Brigade and The Town Bikes.

Tickets are available for:

  • A reserve – including cabaret seating and light supper – $80 each, or $750 for a table of ten
  • B reserve – concert-style seating – $50 each
  • C reserve – standing room – $30 each

Tickets are on sale from www.thethornburytheatre.com, www.oztix.com.au and OzTix Outlets (Polyester Records, Greville Records, The Espy Bottleshop, and Fist 2 Face).

All proceeds go to IWDA.

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