Activities for Anti-Poverty Week
At least 1,000 organisations and 10,000 people are set to participate in more than 300 activities to be held around Australia over the next week as part of Anti-Poverty Week 2009.
Productivity Commission special briefing for not-for-profits
A special briefing for third sector organisations by the Productivity Commission on its inquiry into non profit organisations will be held in Canberra on Wednesday 14 October following the release of the long-awaited draft report.
Third Sector e-news proves popular
Third Sector e-news readership is growing strongly with at least 30 new subscribers per week adding to the close to 3,000 people who already receive this fortnightly news update.
Short film about homelessness and social exclusion in Sydney and New York
View a powerful message about homelessness produced by three local film makers, which took out both the judges and people’s awards at the 2008 New York Tropfest.
Community grants available to raise awareness about global poverty
Community organisations have been invited to apply for grants of up to $150,000 to help stage activities that will raise awareness about global poverty.
$11.4 million for homelessness research
The Federal Government has committed $11.4 million over four years for new research to “improve knowledge and understanding of homelessness and the drivers of homelessness.”
Registration of 36 new charitable trusts approved
Assistant Treasurer Nick Sherry has approved the registration of 36 charitable trusts which will provide an estimated $20 million boost for the charity sector.
New commitment to accountability for human rights of people with disabilities
The Australian Human Rights Commission has welcomed the Australian Government’s announcement that Australia will become a party to the Optional Protocol to the international Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (the Disability Convention).
Progress of the National Volunteer Standards Review
Volunteering Australia has now completed Phase 1 of the review of National Standards for Involving Volunteers in Not for Profit Organisations with respondents indicating a preference for refinement of the current standards rather than a major rewrite.
ALP National Conference agrees to the need for third sector regulatory framework
The recent Australian Labor Party National Conference formally acknowledged the important contributions of third sector organisations and has agreed to the need for a purpose-built sector-specific regulatory framework.