ALP National Conference agrees to the need for third sector regulatory framework

The 2009 National Party platform encourages the development of a national regulatory framework for third sector organisations that affirms the sector’s important advocacy role, encourages donor confidence and builds capacity in the sector.

Conference adopted the position that the report of the Senate Economics Committee on disclosure regimes for charities and not-for-profit organisations should be taken into account in the development of this regulatory framework.

Parliamentary Secretary for Social Inclusion and the Voluntary Sector Ursula Stephens said “The Senate Inquiry confirmed what we have known for some time – that Australia’s third sector is overburdened with unnecessary red tape.”

“The Rudd Government has already begun an ambitious sector reform agenda. This includes work looking at taxation treatments, accounting standards and reduction of red tape.

“It is therefore very encouraging that National Conference has affirmed the importance of this work and reinforced our commitment to achieving a purpose-built regulatory regime for the sector that will build its capacity to serve all Australians,” Senator Stephens said.

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