Michelle Perl

NFP drug and alcohol report

A new report focusing on issues concerning non-for-profits working in the areas of drug and alcohol has been released by the Australian National Council on Drugs.

MAYDAY fundraising success

Despite the difficult economic circumstances, this year’s Media Assisting Youth (MAYDAY) auction has been an unprecedented fundraising success bringing in almost $890,000 that will go to four different youth-focused charities.

Australian taxpayers giving more

Australians are donating more than ever and MPs, local councillors and lawmakers are among the most generous, according to a new report from the Australian Centre for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Studies (CPNS).

Salvos launch West Winter Appeal

The West Australian newspaper has joined the Salvation Army to launch the state-wide West Winter Appeal, as part of efforts to meet the growing rate of people asking for help due to difficult economic circumstances.

Arts sponsorship outlook

The results of a survey designed to gather data on expectations and attitudes regarding the potential effects of the global financial crisis on arts sponsorship have been released by the Australian Business Arts Foundation (AbaF).

Melbourne hosts AFDO human rights conference

The Australian Federation of Disability Organisations (AFDO) is holding a conference in Melbourne from 28-29 May to discuss the challenges of actualising the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD) within Australia.

New head for ATA

The Chief Executive Officer of the Alternative Technology Association (ATA), Bruce Campbell, has resigned from the position and Ian Porter has taken up the role.

ANTaR inspires respect

Australians for Native Title and Reconciliation (ANTaR), in collaboration with The Body Shop, has today launched its new national Respect campaign, encouraging Australians to work towards a solid and effective partnership between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians, and non-indigenous Australians.