Australian not-for-profits concerned about the future

CEOs from 362 not-for-profit (NFP) organisations were surveyed about their views relating to funding, people, meeting demand and the state of their relationships.

The results of the survey revealed that:

  • Seven out of ten not-for-profit (NFP) industries have clear negative confidence levels and an overall negative outlook for the future
  • All states and territories apart from Queensland and South Australia have negative levels of confidence
  • Confidence levels remain negative for NFP organisations of all sizes, with an overall confidence level of -3 per cent
  • Those with revenues of less than $250,000 are the least confident
  • NFPs are more concerned about their ability to meet that demand than when they were surveyed less than twelve months ago.

Mark Reading from PricewaterhouseCoopers, which conducted the survey in conjunction with the Centre for Social Impact says, “This is an important survey as it presents how NFPs are faring and measures confidence levels regarding the sector’s ability to meet its immediate and future demands.

“The reality is that NFPs are relied upon to provide more, not less, services across the nation. In difficult economic times, it’s important to ensure they receive the support from business and government to provide these critical services,” says Reading.

The Centre for Social Impact CEO Dr Andrew Young highlights that NFPs will play a bigger role as Australia’s economic pressures increase. According to Young, it’s forecast that between 2010–2050 the amount of government revenue spent on ageing will jump from 25 per cent to 50 per cent.

“Governments are increasingly working with Australia’s NFPs to deliver services to society. Many of these organisations are working with some of the most vulnerable people in our community.

“In spite of the significant funding reforms in disability and education, and in spite of the relative strength of our economy by international standards, the sector is unconfident about its future. We need to plan for the sector’s future now if we are to deal with the challenges of the coming decades,” says Young.

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