ACNC releases Strategic Plan for 2015-2018

ACNC Commissioner, Susan Pascoe AM, said that, “As we move from the establishment phase, we are looking toward the next steps we need to take to continue to deliver on our objectives.”

“Our priorities for the next three years are:

  • Maintaining and enhancing public trust and confidence in charities
  • Supporting charities to be healthy and sustainable
  • Making it easier for charities by driving regulatory and reporting simplification
  • Sustaining an independent, transparent and well-governed ACNC with positive culture and a strong customer service focus.”

Despite some uncertainty regarding the ACNC’s future, the Commission is committed to working with other regulators and government agencies, as well as implementing legislation and reducing red-tape.

“We will continue working with other Commonwealth, state and territory regulators, and take a leadership role in best practice charity regulation nationally and internationally,” said Pascoe.

The Strategic Plan 2015-2018 is available on the ACNC website.

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