ACNC revokes 86 charities

The national charity regulator, the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC), has revoked the registration of 86 charities for twice failing to submit their Annual Information Statements.

These organisations will now lose access to Commonwealth charity tax concessions.

In early August 2017, the ACNC notified 190 charities that they risked losing their charity status.

“The organisations that have lost their charity status were warned multiple times to submit their outstanding reports,” Acting ACNC Commissioner David Locke said.

“As well as sending numerous email and postal reminders to these charities, we worked with peak bodies to get the message out, particularly to those organisations who may have changed their contact details without informing us.

“It is likely that many of these charities are no longer active. However, we wanted to offer those charities that are still operating every opportunity to maintain their registration with the ACNC.”

The Acting Commissioner said revoking charities that are no longer active or fail to meet their obligations is an important part of maintaining trust and confidence in the not-for-profit sector.

“As the national charity regulator, it is important that we provide the Australian community with accurate and up-to-date information on the Charity Register,” said Locke.

“The Charity Register is a valuable tool that provides information to the public, donors, regulatory bodies and government, and has been searched over 2 million times.

“The Charity Register contains information about a charity’s activities, beneficiaries, financial details and more.”

The information on the Charity Register is largely collected from the Annual Information Statements required from charities to retain charitable status.

“I am pleased that 104 charities that were initially at risk of revocation have recognised the importance of being accountable and transparent in their operations, and have submitted their outstanding statements. This group have retained their registration with the ACNC and will continue to access generous Commonwealth charity tax concessions,” said Locke.

“The remaining 86 charities that failed to submit their outstanding statements have now been revoked.

“Charities that have lost their registration will have their charity status marked as ‘Revoked’ with a red cross on their Charity Register listing, and will no longer be able to display the ACNC’s Registered Charity Tick.”

2016 Annual Information Statement

Locke also noted that whilst 48,000 charities have submitted their 2016 Annual Information Statement, more than 2,000 charities are now overdue.

“It is pleasing that over 97% of registered charities have submitted their 2016 Annual information Statement,” Acting Commissioner Locke said.

“However, over 2,000 charities have failed to submit their Annual Information Statement on time, and now risk financial penalties, and ultimately revocation of their charity status.”


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