Website provider reports 60% increase in NFP market donations through platform

Joyful, one of the leading providers of not for profit websites has reported a 64% increase in fundraising for charities using its platform in the past six months. These include charities such as Earthwatch, Meals on Wheels as well as localised cancer and Indigenous charities to name a few.

Joyful is a platform that helps create egaging and powerful websites for charity and not for profit organisations. The website aims to enable the NFP market to boost fundraising and awareness through technology and data in a cost-effective way allowing charities to reap the benefits immediately.

The platform recognises that creating an online presence for the NFP sector was previously laden with pain points for charities with many not utilising the space due to a lack of affordable and easy to use options. The take up of Joyful’s web creation platform has seen encouraged NFP’s through evident results in their bottom line.

Jen Sutfin, Marketing and Comms Manager, EarthWatch said: “We have found Joyful to be open and clear in their communication throughout the entire process making the set-up of our website seamless. The sleek and professional design, optimal user experience and non-profit-centred donation and appeals portal has seen our donations increase exponentially and we could not recommend them enough”.

All websites built on the Joyful platform are designed to give autonomy to charities enabling them to swiftly manage all areas of activity online including; easily accessible CMS, online database and reporting analytics allowing for easy data capture, fundraising and event ticketing tools, social media technology and e-commerce functionality. Whether large or small Joyful’s platform allows NFP’s to take control of their digital presence through technology, specifically designed for the diverse needs of this intricate sector.

Matthew Linnecar, Managing Director, Australia/New Zealand said: “For a long time, the NFP sector was overlooking the benefits of a strong online presence. With so many charities it can often feel like a crowded space making it more important than ever before to stand out by being able to react quickly online.”

Linnecar continues that they have experienced working with over 1000 charities globally to empower them to take control of their digital presence with Joyful’s user-friendly software which works to ramp up engagement, drive donors, engage beneficiaries, and turn websites into data-driven marketing and fundraising tools. He said charities who have come onboard have been able to instantly see measured results.

“Our software is simple to use and we offer support every step of the way ensure charities are in control and feel confident using the product,” Linnecar said.

Joyful uses a proprietary website creator, a smart-tech website strategy tool. The website creator takes visitors through a series of questions and uses a powerful algorithm to make suggestions on how best to structure their website. This is based on over 10 years’ experience and over 1,000 websites built. The process is designed to be a user-friendly and self-serve experience, meaning clients can use it at a pace that suits then without requiring external expertise.

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