Tourism Australia targets international association conventions

Chief Executive of the Canberra Convention Bureau Robyn Hendry said that the International Congress and Convention Association data values the global association events market in excess of $12 billion, with around 7,500 meetings held each year.

“While the number of international association meetings held in Australia has grown over the past decade, our market share has fallen,” Ms Hendry sad.

“International conferences not only bring economic benefits through the high yield tourism spend of international delegates, they also highlight Australia’s position on the world stage, delivering world’s best practice to Australia in terms of knowledge transfer, global networking and trade.”

The Team Australian Associations Project, which was unveiled at Asia-Pacific Incentives and Meetings Expo, will be undertaken jointly with the Australian Association of Convention Bureaux and major convention centres across the country.

Head of Business Events Australia Joyce DiMascio said that a targeted marketing and communications strategy will be developed and delivered under the Business Events Australia brand, with a focus on developing new business in emerging Asia Pacific markets.

The Team Australia Association Project aims to enable a more strategic and co-ordinated national approach to attracting events and supporting business, community and academic leaders in Australia to stage regional and global events.

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