Third Sector launches new technology section

This dedicated technology section will feature the latest products and service developments, discuss emerging trends and issues in the digital space and provide tips and advice to not-for-profits (NFPs) on how they can use technology to improve organisational efficiency and growth rates.

Connecting Up, which promotes the use of technology within NFP organisations through their donations and discounts programs, online resources and educational events, will be a regular contributor to this section of the magazine. Here is a taste of what they will be contributing to the upcoming August edition.

With the National Broadband Network and high-speed broadband hot on the political agenda, has the discussion about cloud computing started at your NFP yet?

Last year, a global survey run by Connecting Up’s global partner, TechSoup showed that 76 per cent of the Australian organisations that participated recognised cloud computing as a way to improve information sharing and collaboration efforts in the workplace.

With a growing number of cloud-based collaboration tools, the demand for video conferencing and the impact of social networking internally, it’s important that your organisation understands how technology is impacting workplaces in order to take advantage of these new and emerging online tools.

Find out more in the August issue of Third Sector.

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