Third Sector Expo 2015 speaker highlights

Third Sector, Platinum Sponsor auDA, Gold Sponsors Perth Convention Bureau and Ansvar Insurance, and a collection of the sector’s brightest minds look forward to welcoming you to Third Sector Expo 2015.

This year’s event will gather some of the sector’s most innovative leaders who will share their insights on issues, challenges and opportunities currently faced by the Australian not-for-profit (NFP) sector.

With more than 25 speakers secured, the two-day conference will provide delegates with the opportunity to directly connect and hear from a diverse pool of peers and sector thought leaders. Some of the topics covered will include social fundraising, technology, governance and more.

Below are some of the speakers you can expect to hear from.

Rosemary Addis | Co-Founder and Chair, Impact Investing Australia

Tuesday 24 march, 11.30 am

Rosemary Addis is a prominent strategist and a globally recognised thought leader in the areas of social innovation and investment. She helped create the Australian Government’s first social innovation unit dedicated to designing initiatives related to impact investing. This included the Social Enterprise Development and Investment Funds and a ‘networked incubation’ model of developing initiatives for transformational social change.

Currently a member of the NSW Government Social Investment Expert Advisory Group and a Senior Fellow of the Impact Investing Policy Collaborative, Addis has extensive experience within finance and investment. She is the Co-founder and Chair of Impact Investing Australia and chairs the Australian Advisory Board on Impact Investment. In addition to these roles, she is also the Australian representative on the Social Impact Investment Taskforce established by the G8.

At Third Sector Expo 2015, Addis will explore how impact investing is emerging as one of the fastest growing revenue sources for NFP organisations.

Alison Covington | Founder and Director, Good360 Australia

Monday 23 march, 11.30 am

Alison Covington is the Founder and Director of NFP Good360 Australia, an innovative philanthropic organisation. Covington has had an impressive career, previously a Director of several multi-million dollar international organisations. She has an impressive record of innovation and a reputation for increasing profitability in loss-making corporations as well as leading through the challenges of major industry reform.

Covington’s business acumen has provided a platform for her to cultivate philanthropic pursuits that are effective and create positive social change.

At Third Sector Expo 2015, Covington will share Good360 Australia’s story, particularly how she leveraged the collective support of the public, private and third sectors to successfully launch Australia’s first product philanthropy giving place. She will also discuss the unique technology that supports Good360’s GivingPlace.

Tim Matthews | Chair, UN Youth Australia

Monday 23 march, 3.00 pm

Tim Matthews is a young gun in the Australian NFP sector, currently holding four sector leadership roles despite the fact that he is only 23 years old. He is the UN Youth National President and has been involved in UN Youth Australia for seven years.

Matthews is passionate about social justice and youth empowerment, in particular how to engage young people in their communities. He brings a fresh, dynamic approach to thinking about and implementing change in these areas.

At Third Sector Expo 2015, Matthews will illustrate how innovative NFPs can create opportunities to stimulate and harness the energy of generation Y.

Janine Wilson | Executive Director, Donor Services, Australian Red Cross Blood Service

Monday 23 march, 1.45 pm

Janine Wilson manages the Australian Red Cross Blood Service’s blood donor collection centres nationally in her role as Executive Director of Donor Services. Previously she was the Director of Strategy and Business Development for the New York Blood Center.

Wilson is also responsible for the organisation’s marketing and is a key force behind the organisation’s social media strategy. The Australian Red Cross Blood Service has adopted social media as part of its core marketing operations and now has over 100,000 Facebook followers.

At Third Sector Expo 2015, Wilson will explain how the organisation has harnessed social media to actively engage donors and drive donations.

Amanda McKenzie | CEO, Climate Council

Tuesday 24 march, 9.30 am

Amanda McKenzie is a familiar face in the Australian environmental scene and a renowned leader. For over 10 years she has worked in the areas of climate change, awareness and response.

McKenzie is Chair of the Centre for Australian Progress and a Board Member of Plan International Australia; she was also founder of the Australian Youth Climate Coalition. McKenzie was recently recognised as one of Westpac’s 100 Women of Influence.

After the Climate Commission was abolished, McKenzie was a key force behind the launch of the Climate Council through Australia’s largest ever crowd-funding campaign. Thousands of Australians donated to the campaign, including 16,000 founding friends of the Council, and $1.1 million was raised in just over a week.

At Third Sector Expo 2015, McKenzie will share the story of the Climate Council relaunch and its journey as an independent NFP organisation.

David Buley | CFO, Association of Independent Schools of NSW

Monday 23 march, 1.45 pm

David Buley is the CFO of the Association of Independent Schools as well as a Board and Investment Committee Member of NGS Super Fund. With a career spanning 33 years, Buley has previously held senior management roles in finance, IT, education and NFP organisations.

Buley has a passion for strategy and innovation, and has undertaken courses in these areas at The Wharton School, Columbia University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

At Third Sector Expo 2015, Buley will provide an overview of what effective and ineffective strategy looks like. He will equip listeners with the tools required to create an effective strategy plan that resonates with an organisation’s mission and its stakeholders.

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