Third Sector Expo 2015 and auDA showcase online innovation

Winners are eligible to win a $2,500 prize and are given help building their potential and profile.

“Members of the auDA team spread across different sessions at Third Sector Expo 2015 to learn about the opportunities and challenges facing the Australian not-for-profit sector, as well as some innovative tools being used to create successful campaigns,” says Helen Hollins, General Manager of Communications at auDA.

Here, auDA highlights some pioneering Australian digital strategy initiatives presented at Third Sector Expo 2015:

Good360 Australia

Founder Alison Covington shared about the online technology being developed for the new philanthropic venture ‘Good360 Giving Platform’. Already a thriving initiative overseas, Good360 provides a social platform where companies can donate their product (such as office supplies) and community groups can request the items they need. Organisations can subscribe for $250 + GST per year and pay no additional costs to purchase their goods and there is a Wish List tool for organisations to crowdfund shipping expenses. Good360 launches next week in Australia.

Hello Sunday Morning

Hello Sunday Morning (HSM) is an online space for individuals who wish to change their drinking behaviour. HSM Founder and CEO Chris shared that in five years, over 40,000 individuals have completed the three month program and over 100,000 blogs have been published. There are currently more Australians signed up to this online program than any other alcohol-related support programs. HSM received an auDA Foundation grant in 2012 to research the most effective improvements for the HSM online platform in order to enhance its functionality as a social change tool around alcohol use. A new app is to be released in May which will provide a quick check-in on Sunday morning, as an alternative to the three month program.


Start Some Good connects emerging social entrepreneurs with world-wide supporters through crowdfunding. In his presentation, Founder Tom Dawkins noted that young donors are more interested in supporting projects they impulsively connect with, rather than making a life-long commitment. StartSomeGood is appealing to the younger generation and offers a fun and engaging way for visionary community leaders to raise funds. Tom Dawkins commented that crowdfunding is “team-creating” and “turns donors into advocates to help reach the funding goal”.

The Climate Council

The Climate Council’s CEO Amanda McKenzie shared the history of the organisation, from its origins as the Government’s Climate Commission to its launch as a not-for-profit (NFP) organisation. The campaign raised $1.3 million from 20,000 Australians over 10 days, with most donations under $1,000. Facebook was the biggest driver of donations and they currently have around 112,000 ‘likes’. Ms McKenzie’s advice was simple, “If you have a resonant message, say it in a consistent way and repeat, repeat, repeat!”

Prostate Cancer Research

Our co-presenters at the Third Sector Expo, Australian Prostate Cancer Research, won the Highly Commended award for Innovation at the 2014 ANZIAs for the PROSTMATE online initiative. Dr Addie Wootten and James Garland from Australian Prostate Cancer Research joined Jo Lim, Chief Operations and Policy Officer at auDA, to speak about online strategies to generate growth at the Third Sector Expo.

“The credibility that we as an organisation and our program, PROSTMATE, received from being an ANZIA finalist cannot be underestimated. The ANZIAs improved both our internal and external visibility of the program and has increased our profile and reach. We highly recommend getting involved with the ANZIAs,” said Dr Addie Wootten.

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