Third Sector Awards Board Director of the Year is Robyn de Szoeke OAM

Robyn De Szoeke OAM has served on the Board since 2011 and as Chair since 2015.  Robyn has transformed DFSS’s strategic leadership to support the growth of the charity and its increasing impact for the women it serves. Robyn has affected and led positive change by imbedding her professional expertise of service and operational excellence from her senior position in Deloitte Australia to the leadership and governance of DFSS.

Since joining in 2010, Robyn has donated over 3,700 volunteer-hours, led significant projects to improve processes, build efficiencies and raise funds, including a recent governance review implementing recommendations that have strengthened the Board; its composition, capabilities/function. She continues to volunteer her time to core services including dressing women for interview.

Robyn spearheaded the establishment of the DFS-Australian-Affiliate alliance – bringing all DFS affiliates into a strategic partnership that has successfully increased service impact and national fundraising/income for each DFS-affiliate.

Robyn also leads the Fashion Sales Event teams – an innovation created to use and redistribute surplus clothing; to raise vital funds and to ethically and sustainably redistribute surplus stock.  This year, these events raised in excess of $230,000 and achieved a significant milestone, raising over $1Million since 2010.

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Pearl Dy is a community manager and journalist. She is passionate about business and development particularly involving not-for-profits, charity and social entrepreneurship.

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