The road to reform: ACNC update

How has the Not-for-profit (NFP) sector changed as a result of the Australian Charities and not-for-profits commission (ACNC)?

The ACNC is charged with:

  • Maintaining, protecting and enhancing public trust and confidence in the NFP sector
  • Supporting and sustaining a robust, vibrant, independent and innovative NFP sector
  • Promoting the reduction of unnecessary regulatory obligations.

The ACNC is working towards each of these objectives through many projects and initiatives. The ACNC will regularly update the sector regarding its progress against these objectives.

Since the ACNC commenced on 3 December 2012, it has:

  • Registered 92 new charities
  • Responded to more than 2,000 enquiries over the phone, in writing or by email
  • Had 72,300 visits to its website, including 31,000 visits to the ACNC Register.

Are there any process updates or date changes that NFPs need to be aware of?

It’s important that registered charities know about the ACNC’s Annual Information Statement (AIS). All registered charities need to complete an AIS to report their activities for the 2012–13 financial year.

The AIS was released in early March 2013 and is due six months after the charity’s reporting period. For charities that use a 1 July–30 June financial year, this will be by 31 December 2013.

Charities can also ask the ACNC to use a different reporting period (known as a substituted accounting period), such as the calendar year.

The AIS doesn’t require detailed financial information, regardless of the size of the charity.

What milestones does the ACNC hope to achieve by the end of 2013?

In relation to red tape reduction for charities, the ACNC hopes to continue to collaborate with government agencies to minimise duplicated reporting, including:

  • Working with state, territory and Commonwealth charity agencies
  • Finalising information sharing arrangements with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission and the Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations
  • Commencing assessment of transitional arrangements (where the ACNC may accept reports lodged with other government agencies)
  • Establishing streamlined reporting working groups for non-government schools, international aid and social services.

In relation to its website, the ACNC hopes to:

  • Increase the amount of information available to the public on the ACNC Register
  • Improve the search functionality of the ACNC Register
  • Implement a log-in portal for charities, which will enable them to self-serve
  • Implement internal systems to allow for pre-filling of information for the AIS.

In relation to education and guidance for charities, the ACNC hopes to:

  • Develop a variety of useful guidance materials for charities in accessible formats, including podcasts and videos
  • Continue to provide helpful information and guidance to charities that contact the ACNC over the phone, in writing or face-to-face.
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