Tailored support paves the way for lasting employment outcomes

Employment outcomes

New research highlights the benefits of tailored job support programs in helping Australians find lasting employment and improve their lives.

New research shines a light on the effectiveness of tailored job support programs in helping Australians facing significant barriers find lasting employment. The study, commissioned by the Paul Ramsay Foundation (PRF) and conducted by Deloitte Access Economics, delves into the “what works” approach, aiming to optimise investments and deliver positive outcomes for individuals and their families.

“Access to sustained, quality employment can be a life-changing force,” explains Ben Gales, PRF Chief Impact Officer. “It fosters economic mobility, improves well-being, and even impacts future generations.”

The report, titled “Understanding the Benefits, Costs, and Funding Flows to Tailored Jobseeker Supports,” analyses existing research and case studies from for-purpose organisations. It highlights the importance of well-funded, agency-driven programs that cater to specific needs and goals.

The research reveals a cost range for delivering tailored employment support, varying between $6,100 and $83,300 per successful outcome. This variation reflects factors like the number of participants, support intensity, and geographical location. Importantly, the study provides a cost collection tool and user guide to help organisations better understand these cost structures.

Beyond the cost analysis, the report emphasises the wide-ranging benefits of employment for individuals, families, and society as a whole. Employment fosters better health, reduces welfare dependence, increases tax revenue, and mitigates the social impact of unemployment. These benefits extend across generations, with long-term analysis showing lasting positive impacts on children’s well-being and employment prospects.

The report serves as a valuable resource for the for-purpose sector, including organisations delivering, funding, and researching employment support programs. “This research equips policymakers, funders, and organisations with a new evidence base and a useful tool,” says Gales. “It allows us to make informed investments that empower job seekers and foster meaningful economic and social participation.”

The importance of tailored support becomes even clearer when considering the experiences of Vanguard Laundry, a PRF partner. This work-integrated social enterprise provides employment opportunities for individuals facing complex challenges, including mental health issues, refugee backgrounds, and geographical isolation.

“While we had internal data on program costs,” says Ryan Salzke, CEO of Vanguard Laundry, “the Deloitte Access Economics team provided valuable industry insights that deepened our understanding of both the benefits and costs.” Salzke expresses confidence that the report will allow them to present program costs more comprehensively in the future.

The research underscores the need for a tailored, well-resourced approach within the for-purpose sector. By addressing the specific needs of individuals facing barriers to employment, these targeted programs can effectively reduce long-term unemployment, strengthen families, and contribute to a more vibrant community.

Also read: Good Cycles partners with Lime to drive youth employment in Queensland

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