Refugees who arrived in Australia as a result of the conflicts in Syria and Iraq are thriving, feel welcome and are optimistic about the future,
The Australian Institute of Company Directors’ (AICD’s) Not-for-Profit Governance and Performance Study 2023-24 has revealed increasing demands and higher expectations has NFP directors at a
Wealthy donors give more when approached with messaging that makes them feel important
38 per cent of grantseekers fail to meet grant deadlines.
Not-for-profits understand the importance of the digital age, but most are still trying to understand the risk and opportunities that digital presents, a new study
Not-for-profits understand the importance of the digital age, but most are still trying to understand the risk and opportunities that digital presents, a new study
New research by Corporate Citizenship reveals a sizeable gap between corporate aspirations and reality when it comes to corporate community investment (CCI). Corporate Citizenship’s report
New research by Corporate Citizenship reveals a sizeable gap between corporate aspirations and reality when it comes to corporate community investment (CCI). Corporate Citizenship’s report
Has their been a shift away from professional advisers encouraging philanthropy? That is the question The Australian Centre for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Studies at QUT