Supported employment is on-the-job support to help people with disabilities participate in paid employment. The Australian Government funds Australian Disability Enterprises to provide supported employment in commercial businesses. These Enterprises operate over 600 commercial businesses across Australia and employ around 19,000 people with disability.
The discussion paper has been developed to frame community consultation and help develop the Government’s new vision for people in supported employment.
This work progresses a key commitment under the Government’s National Mental Health and Disability Employment Strategy.
Through the discussion paper, the Government is seeking ideas about the future of supported employment for people with disability in Australia.
Points of concern include:
- How to improve access to inclusive supported employment?
- How to improve the experiences of people with a disability in supported employment?
- How to support Australian Disability Enterprises as progressive and sustainable commercial businesses?
The Government has also appointed an Advisory Committee on Australian Disability Enterprises. Representatives include:
- Dr Ken Baker, Chief Executive Officer, National Disability Services
- David Barbagallo, Chief Executive Officer , Endeavour Foundation
- Marion Gaynor, Research Officer, Australian Council of Trade Unions
- Lesley Hall, Chief Executive Officer, Australian Federation of Disability Organisations
- Samantha Jenkinson, Member of the Ministerial Advisory Council on Disability
- Neil Preston OAM, Chief Executive Officer, Greenacres Disability Services
- Kevin Robbie, Director Employment and Social Enterprise, Social Ventures Australia.
The closing date for making a formal submission is Friday 17 September 2010.
- Emily Hollosy
- Emily Hollosy
- Emily Hollosy
- Emily Hollosy