School for Social Entrepreneurs opens in Melbourne

Twenty-two students will begin at the Melbourne-based SSE in 2010, adding to a cohort of students and graduates from the Sydney based SSE, which opened in early 2009.

The SSE Australia is based on the model of the SSE in the UK, which has been operating for over twelve years.

In contrast to structured academic programs, the SSE program is based on ‘action learning’. This involves the development of both business and life skills that are applied directly to a project.

Benny Callaghan CEO of SSE Australia said that he is excited about the community interest and support for the new Melbourne SSE.

“There are a number of organisations working in Melbourne to support social enterprises but the SSE is the first venture dedicated to assisting the individuals behind these enterprises who often need a lot of personal encouragement and support as well as skills and networks to get their ideas off the ground,” he said.

The SSE Australia is supported by Social Ventures Australia, the SSE UK, and Steve Lawrence (a social entrepreneur and Chief Executive of the Australian Social Innovation Exchange).

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