International nongovernmental organization Relief International announces three new appointments to its board.
Existing Board member, Debra Davis, will be assuming the role of Chairperson while new members, Eric Achtmann and Radha Sekar, will be joining as Vice Chairperson and Treasurer respectively.
These appointments will support Relief International’s efforts to deliver impactful health and wellbeing programming that builds greater resilience in communities affected by intense conflict, climate change, and disaster.
A former partner at Deloitte, Debra Davis has more than 25 years of experience as a financial consultant. She is involved in several mentoring programmes and currently sits on the boards of the Harvard University based network Women in the Informal Economy Globalizing and Organizing (WIEGO) and the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness. Debra previously served as the Chair of Relief International’s Audit and Risk Committee prior to assuming the Chairperson role.
“Relief International goes above and beyond to ensure access to life-saving and life-giving services in some of the world’s most complex settings, and I look forward to doing everything I can in my new role to support this important work,” said Debra.
An entrepreneurial executive, new Vice Chairperson Eric Achtmann has more than 30 years of experience spanning multiple industries and multi-billion publicly traded and private companies including Airbus, BMW, Dana, McKinsey & Co, and Whitbread. An innovator and venture capitalist, he has held several board governance and advisory roles for organisations specializing in healthcare, sustainability and technology.
“With the impacts of climate change, conflict and disaster increasingly affecting all of us, Relief International’s work could not be more pivotal – or timely,” said Eric.
“I am both excited and deeply humbled to join Relief International’s highly dedicated board and 7,000-strong organization deploying resources efficiently through partnerships with local communities around the globe,” he added.
New Treasurer, Radha Sekar has more than 25 years of experience in the public and private sectors. She has held senior leadership positions within the Federal Government as well as in Fortune 100 information technology corporations and major consulting firms. She is currently CEO at the Universal Fund Administration Company USAC, which expands access to telecoms for communities across the US.
“I have long admired Relief International’s commitment to supporting the communities it partners with. I am excited to be part of the organization and to provide my skills and experience to continue and expand Relief International’s endeavours in the future,” said Radha.
Craig Redmond, Chief Executive Officer of Relief International highlighted his gratitude for their former board leaders, Paul “Chip” Levengood and Steve Hansch for all of their efforts supporting Relief International.
“I also want to welcome Debra, Eric and Radha, and am delighted they are joining us as we move forward.”
“When disaster strikes, Relief International works directly with local communities to ensure they can access the essential health and wellbeing services they need, when they need them most. I am sure our new board members will bring a wealth of experience to help support this work and enable us to continue supporting communities impacted by conflict, climate change, and disaster in the future,” added Redmond.
Menchie Khairuddin is a writer Deputy Content Manager at Akolade and content producer for Third Sector News. She is passionate about social affairs specifically in mixed, multicultural heritage and not-for-profit organisations.
- Menchie Khairuddin
- Menchie Khairuddin
- Menchie Khairuddin
- Menchie Khairuddin