Preparing businesses for survival post COVID-19

Third Sector launched the Third Sector Business Viability Seriesa series of online seminars and workshops that provide practical support for struggling organisations. The June list of virtual seminars focuses more on digital journey, news business models, organisational resilience, managing risks, driving innovation and strengthening leadership.  

Rachel Thompson, Executive Officer of Bankstown Canterbury Community Transport, will facilitate the seminar on “How to build organisational resilience while answering the community’s call” on 9th of June. This online seminar will focus on the development of the program that continues to proactively transform the concept of Community Transport and engagement in new ways that benefit staff, volunteers and their amazing clients. 

On the 10th of June, Tom Schlosser, Head of Systems, Data Analytics and Innovation at ChildFund Australia, will highlight ways to strengthen understanding of risk through the lens of Covid-19 and the bushfires, with examples from his experience and research.  His 60-minute online seminar will discuss how to stabilise businesses by effectively quantifying and managing risk.   

The recent pandemic has changed the way organisations workand in a lot of ways, this change is for the better. As Australia prepares to return to work, the sector has a rare opportunity to re-design ‘business as usual’. Patima Tantiprasut, who leads the team at PetRescue, will facilitate the seminar on “Advancing Workforce Productivity and Engagement” on the 16th of June. 

Recent changes in the working environment have led to heightened privacy and cyber security risks. On 17th of June, Senior Lawyer of Not for Profit Law and Justice Connect Kaela Hughes, and Manager Mae Tanner will provide attendees with information about their key legal responsibilities in managing personal information, highlighting the significant risks in a work-from-home environment through the workshop “Managing privacy risks in a work-from-home environment. 

Innovation looks different for every business and the extent to which it helps during a crisis or generally as things change through time will be explored in CEO of batyr Nicolas Brown’s talk about “Driving innovation – is it important or just a buzz word?” on the 18th of June. This practical online seminar will provide ways the sector can improve business viability with a particular focus on ensuring the business is agile and focused on serving the needs of the people that most need it.   

Finally, Starlight Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director Louise Baxter will answer some of the sectors critical questions on crisis, commotion, and confusion. This is intended for organisations who want to know if their team thrives or withers in this difficult environment and what makes some flourishStarlight has weathered many challenges in the past decades but has under Louise’s leadership kept going from strength to strength. She shares about “You had me at crisis: Strong leadership = strong business” on 23rd of June. 

These are some of the upcoming events all with the aim to support business survive these unique times.  More virtual seminars will be announced in the next coming days. Subscribe to the events page to get weekly updates. 

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Pearl Dy is a community manager and journalist. She is passionate about business and development particularly involving not-for-profits, charity and social entrepreneurship.

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