NFP scholarships to learn in the USA

America’s Non-profit Technology Network has partnered with Connecting Up Australia to create a mutual scholarship program and help share not-for-profit (NFP) technology knowledge across the Pacific.

Two Australians from the sector will be selected to attend the annual Conference, which will be held in Washington, DC, USA from March 17-19, 2011. In addition, representatives from two American charities will attend CUA’s Connecting Up conference to be held in Melbourne in June 2011.

The scholarships include return economy airfares, full conference registration, and a $US500 contribution towards accommodation and meals.

Meanwhile, the Stanford Australia Foundation (SAF), with the support of the Dyson Bequest, is calling for applications for the 2011 SAF Non-profit Scholarship.

The SAF scholarship provides the opportunity for an Australian NFP executive or senior manager to attend the two-week Executive Program for Non-Profit Leaders at Stanford’s Centre for Social Innovation in Pala Alto, California.

The scholarship covers all expenses including tuition, airfares, transfers and meals.

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