Events such as this allow members of the sector to gather and share advice and learnings, best-practice case studies and inspiring stories.
Some of the key themes that emerged this year were the importance of partnerships, social marketing, sound governance strategy and collaborative culture.
This year’s conference kicked off with an opening address from Susan Pascoe about the role of the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) and the importance of a regulating body that promotes trust and confidence in the not-for-profit (NFP) sector. David Crosbie closed the session reminding delegates about the value of self-reflection.
Tim Matthews the National Executive of UN Youth Victoria discussed the best ways to reach and empower Generation Y, and Amnesty International Australia’s National Director, Claire Mallison touched on issues facing us all, such as equality, refugees, and education, leaving the audience with the message, “rights come with responsibilities”.
Other NFP innovators shared their insights, such as ADARA Development’s CEO Susan Biggs who spoke on corporate social responsibility and businesses for purpose, and Amanda McKenzie who established the Climate Council through Australia’s biggest crowdfunding campaign, after the Gillard government’s Climate Commission was abolished.
The closing session on good governance strategies lead by Jeffrey Tulk, Senior Manager at Saward Dawson was a particular standout, featuring information on how NFPs can stay viable through competitive positioning and pricing.
On hand over the two days were exhibitors and representatives from the ACNC, Aon Risk Solutions, Butterfly Digital Agency, Connecting Up, Governance Institute of Australia, Infoxchange, Star Business Solutions, and UCA Funds Management. Congratulations to Madeline Smythe from the Fred Hollows Foundation who won Ansvar’s $1000 conference prize.
The Third Sector team would like to thank sponsors auDA, Ansvar and The Perth Convention Bureau for their support and allowing this event to happen.
Be sure to read more about the speakers in the May edition of Third Sector.
- Emma McDonald
- Emma McDonald
- Emma McDonald
- Emma McDonald