NFP Leaders conference: What’s your endgame?

Many organisations assume that the best way to increase their impact is to scale up – to get bigger, service more areas and reach more people.

But what if the answer lies in thinking differently, not thinking bigger?

Stop and think: what role do you want to play in the overall solution to the problem you’re tackling? What’s your endgame?

Alice Gugalev, social entrepreneur and impact acceleration expert, has been thinking about this, and she’s here in Australia this November to lead some seminars and provide some answers.

Gugalev knows the not for profit (NFP) sector at all levels. She’s Director of the US-based Social Enterprise Accelerator at the Global Development Incubator (GDI). The GDI Accelerator aims to increase the scale, reach and impact of growth-stage social enterprises and NFPs.

Gugalev is also the Co-Founder and Executive Director of the Muskoka Foundation, the “Do Good As You Go” movement and Chief Strategy Officer and Investor for AppMakr, the world’s largest DIY mobile app development platform. She’s worked with many organisations across the sector, such as the Gates Foundation and the World Bank.

She’s also the co-author of the new field of endgame theory, first proposed in an article by the Stanford Social Innovation Review.

Her seminar will guide leaders to an understanding of their organisation’s endgame, and how to steer a course towards ultimate purpose.

This event is suitable for board members, CEOs and senior staff of NFPs, and grantmakers, philanthropists and others who work with social change organisations.

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