New online hub makes marketing affordable for NFPs

Fifty Acres founder, Jo Scard says the idea for the site emerged as a result of the conversations she’s been having with NFPs over the past couple of years.

“People are getting in touch all the time with a lot of enthusiasm about scaling up their communications activities,” says Scard.

“And yet for some the highly tailored and personalised service we’ve traditionally offered is beyond what they need to get started.”

“Others are new to the type of services we offer and nervous about investing funds without knowing exactly what the impact will be.”

“Now there’s a way for these customers to have hands on experience with expert communications advice and to decide what they’re comfortable spending.”

Called Fifty Acres Online, the new site offers a range of ‘How To’ guides as well as a wide range of discreet services from the Fifty Acres team, including editing existing materials, identifying stakeholders or distributing a media release.

The new services start from as little as $50, with a selection of free resources also available.

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