New not-for-profit appointments

The Institute of Hospital Engineering‘s new CEO, Cozens, has spent 40 years in health services working in both the public and private health sector. He has been involved in engineering services management, general management and capital works planning and project management at rural, major metropolitan and major teaching hospitals in Australia and internationally.

Jones has been involved in the book industry for over 15 years and in his new role as Marketing and Project Officer for the Australian Booksellers Association he will help bookshops communicate their strengths to the community.

Water Services Association of Australia has elected five new members to its board. Dudley is the CEO of Queensland Urban Utilities, Grayson is the CEO of the Gladstone Area Water Board, Young is the CEO of the Sydney Catchment Authority, Barker is the Managing Director of City West Water and Sullivan is the Managing Director of ACTEW Water.

Third Sector would like to congratulate Cozens, Jones, Dudley, Grayson, Young, Barker and Sullivan on their new roles.

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