NDIS Success gets tick of approval from participants, as Round 2 registrations near for those wanting a competitive edge!

Community Business Bureau

While many Australian businesses were busy dealing with impacts of the global pandemic, hundreds of savvy organisations already operating in or wanting to enter the disability sector used the national lockdown to undertake a free interactive learning program offered by Community Business Bureau (CBB) – and they’ve given the industry initiative a resounding tick of approval.

Organisations participating in the first round program included physio, speech and occupational therapists, medical practitioners, podiatrists and more, who said the series of webinars presented by a range of expert speakers provided valuable insight into what critical steps are needed to thrive and grow in the NDIS environment.

“The organisation has gained a comprehensive understanding from the NDIS Success program of what is involved and how the NDIS works in terms of supporting people with a disability and service providers,” said one participant.

A participant from an organisation providing mental health counselling, addiction services and employment support said: “The benefit has been the provision of additional information on the NDIS and setting up a clear stepped process to inform the design of the new service. I particularly found the webinar on strategies for success very valuable. This assisted me in getting clarity about what sets our organisation apart from competitors.”

It has been this type of positive feedback which has reinforced the program’s relevance to small to medium organisations wanting to adapt and scale services, as well as larger organisations wanting to fast-track their efforts to be NDIS ready and deliver on the needs of Australians living with disability.

Managing Director at Orana Consulting, Dawn Inman-Wyness, said: “I just wish I had come across these webinars 18 months ago. I would have saved many hours struggling with the maze of information on the web for NDIS providers and participants. Thank you CBB for such a wonderful suite of information directed in a concise and effective manner.”

“We realised that the service provision of NDIS does not specifically take into account Indigenous Australia’s needs in terms of culturally valid opportunities. We believe we can offer this,” said one participant.

“I found the webinars good with clear information that was delivered consistently. In most instances the information provided consolidated my current knowledge but also added some nuances and clarification around what needs to be included when designing a new service.”

CBB General Manager, Consulting and Business Services, Jane Arnott, said interest in the program has surpassed all expectations, with a broad range of organisations from across Australia already wanting to secure their involvement in the second round of NDIS Success due to start in August.

“We have achieved more than 800 webinar views in the first round, with dozens of organisations going on to apply for 6 months of direct business consulting support from CBB’s market-leading consulting team,” Arnott said.

“Many who completed the program say they are now ready to operate at the next level and maximise the many opportunities that continue to be created with the NDIS, including the delivery of more services as part of an expanded business model or having a wider geographic footprint – particularly in rural and regional communities,” she said.

“We encourage any organisation wanting to break into the disability sector to invest in their own business sustainability by participating in the next round of NDIS Success. That equally applies to those already providing disability services who are keen to expand, as well as organisations busy working in an associated field who want to move into the disability sector.”

To secure your interest in the next round of NDIS Success, visit cbb.com.au/ts

Community Business Bureau (CBB) is a national not for profit organisation that provides consulting support to commercial and not for profit organisations, with a speciality in assisting those operating or transitioning to the NDIS environment.

This program is funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services.

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A curious marketer with a passion for understanding the customer’s journey, Tooka has spent the last couple of years facilitating innovative platforms to share ideas and best practice strategies to up-skill and connect Australian businesses.

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