My not-for-profit (NFP) organisation’s mission is to…
Defeat cancer. We do this through prevention, support services and research.
I have been a subscriber to Third Sector magazine since…
I value my subscription to Third Sector magazine because…
It gives me information that is very relevant to my work. I enjoy reading case studies from other organisations.
The articles I look forward to reading the most are…
Tips and recommendations for effective campaigns, organisational governance issues and case studies around new technology.
My biggest achievement in the NFP sector is…
Building strong teams and successfully increasing income in all of the organisations that I have worked for.
I love working in the NFP sector because…
I work with a great team who are innovative and passionate about our cause. It is also a strongly supportive sector.
The most challenging part of working in the NFP sector is…
The great ambition to do exceptional things but having limited resources, which means we just have to be creative.
I am inspired by…
The strength shown by people diagnosed with cancer and the wonderful support shown by our donors and supporters.
- Odette Fleming
- Odette Fleming
- Odette Fleming
- Odette Fleming