Meet Third Sector reader Nicole Graham

My not-for-profit (NFP) organisation’s mission is to…

Make a positive difference in the lives of people living with disabilities.

I have been a subscriber to Third Sector magazine since…

All of my career in this sector.

I value my subscription because…

I get to read about the amazing work and contributions that are being made in our remarkable sector.

The articles I look forward to reading the most are…

On innovation and achievement. We are a sector that is responsive and high impact. We have limited resources, which means we have to be creative and innovative in order to make a positive difference.

My biggest achievement in the NFP sector is…

Leading the Spastic Centres of South Australia team. It’s a true privilege to work with a high performing, values driven team that is assisting South Australians living with disabilities and their families.

I love working in the NFP sector because….

Of the core values of all team members that underpin our work and the positive impact that we are making in our community.

The most challenging part of working in the NFP sector is…

To continue to provide the much needed services that we do amid increasing financial limitations.

I am inspired by…

The 350 people living with disabilities that we support, their families and my team. It’s a joy to go to work every day and lead such an incredible organisation, and to witness first-hand the generous nature of the community.

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