Manly-based community initiative puts ‘love into action’

Established in 2005, the Manly-Manado community partnership between Manly, Australia and Manado – located on the island of Sulawesi, East Indonesia – is an initiative to create awareness of, and take action against, the mutual poverty that exists within both communities, through a relational connection
Part of the reason for the partnership’s success is its emphasis on people using their passions and talents to tangibly benefit someone in Manado.

The latest project of the Manly-Manado partnership is a photographic documentary book, Love in Action, which captures the inspiring journey of the community on the road away from poverty.

“I have been able to use my passion for photography to support social transformation,” said photographer, StuartHarris.

“Putting this book together was an amazing experience. I have been able to use my passion for photography to support social transformation,” said Harris. “Through this book we are hoping to generate a broader awareness of the cause and we hope that people beyond Manly will get on board to help break the long-term cycle of poverty in other communities around the world. Sometimes we get overwhelmed with the scale of poverty in the world, but this is a tangible way that one community can support another.”

Launched 1 August, all benefits from the book go to the people of Manado, and will hopefully inspire more Australian communities to develop similar community partnerships.

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