Maalan Cloud Forest in far north Queensland saved for conservation


An 83-hectare property in far north Queensland that is home to endemic and threatened species is now protected, following a successful fundraising campaign.

Non-profit organisation Gondwana Rainforest Trust headed up the crowdfunding campaign to buy the Maalan Cloud Forest in the Atherton Tablelands, with the purchase settled last Friday 12 January 2024.

Gondwana Rainforest Trust founder, Kelvin Davies, said the purchase had been made possible with the help of more than 1,000 donors, a significant matched-gift pledge from a conservation partner and some invaluable philanthropic donations.

“This is a significant win for conservation and one that will have a lasting positive impact on the biodiversity of the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area well into the future,” he said.

“We extend our sincere thanks to everyone who donated.”

Davies said the property contained 45 hectares of high-altitude remnant rainforest habitat that was home to endemic and threatened species with nowhere else to go.

“Once the remaining 35 hectares of cleared land have been revegetated and restored, it will complete an important Wet Tropics World Heritage Area (WHA) wildlife corridor, connecting Maalan National Park and Wooroonooran National Park.

“This will give cloud forest inhabitants, including the endangered spectacled flying fox, the southern cassowary, spotted-tail quoll, Lumholtz’s tree-kangaroo, tooth-billed bowerbird and rare white lemuroid ringtail possum more room to roam, and safer passage as they traverse the landscape.”

Gondwana Rainforest Trust will now support its project partner, South Endeavour Trust, to revegetate the cleared land, which involves the establishment of 120,000 new trees. This will complete the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area wildlife corridor and expand the habitat for a nearby spectacled flying fox and other threatened species.

“The ultimate goal is to protect and manage the Maalan Cloud Forest property as a nature refuge, and South Endeavour Trust intends to apply for this status with the Queensland Government.”

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Menchie Khairuddin is a writer Deputy Content Manager at Akolade and content producer for Third Sector News. She is passionate about social affairs specifically in mixed, multicultural heritage and not-for-profit organisations.

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