Support Service’s new CE, Roffe, is currently the CE of YWCA in South Australia and will take up his new position on 21 October.
The Lowitja Institute’s newest board members are Button – who currently holds the role of CEO of the Queensland Aboriginal and Islander Health Council (QAIHC) – and Mohamed – the Chairman of the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO).
Presser, who joins the board of Minda, is currently the CEO at Beach Energy. Presser has over 25 years’ experience in secretarial roles, capital management and risk management of private and publically listed companies.
New Minder board member Favretto has previous experience in financial and corporate governance and a solid skill base derived from working with a ‘Big 4’ accounting firm – he currently holds the role of CEO Key Invest.
Third Sector wishes to congratulate Roffe, Mohamed, Button, Presser and Favretto on their appointments and wishes them all the best in their new roles.
- Sarah Harding
- Sarah Harding
- Sarah Harding
- Sarah Harding