In the spotlight…

The purpose of our association is to…

Provide professional and technical leadership in the advancement of the drilling industry.

Our members…

Have been joining and re-joining at a steady rate over the last three to four years. We have over 800 members consisting of drilling contractors, suppliers, consultants, regulators and associated individuals. Our members work across many sectors including mineral exploration, water well, geotechnical, environmental and trenchless.

The biggest challenge our members face is…

Remaining viable in the marketplace during the highs and lows of the boom-bust cycle; and attracting committed and motivated employees seeking an unique career in an industry that offers independence, travel, responsibility and challenge.

Member benefits include…

  • Being represented by an Association that presents a concerted industry voice on issues that affect the well being and ongoing viability of the drilling industry to government, local utilities and a number of associated organisations.
  • Increasing skills and knowledge through regular needs-based training courses and seminars.
  • Receiving a bi-monthly magazine. Australasian Drilling, which is distributed to all members and over 3,500 other recipients throughout Australasia and the rest of the world.
  • Access to a range of relevant books, technical publications and DVDs on recruitment, training, safety and other industry-related topics.
  • Annual conferences, branch meetings and seminars which foster closer co-operation between members, increase knowledge and skills, and management techniques that encourage, best-practice, standards.

We advocate strongly for…

Safer practices and standards across the industry. The ADIA is guiding the industry towards a unified national operating standard to develop a more acceptable benchmark.

Our greatest achievement…

Was celebrating our 25th anniversary last year. The Association has survived tough times, especially in the 1990s, and has pulled through in the typical style of a stoic driller.

Our events…

Are getting bigger and better all the time. In 2010, we expect to trump our very successful Drill 2008 conference which was held in Auckland, and is the first major joint Australian and New Zealand drilling event. Drill 2010 is being held at the Adelaide Convention Centre during September. It provides a unique opportunity for suppliers to promote their products and services to a wide range of drilling customers from Australia and New Zealand.

As an association it is important to…

Represent the Australian drilling industry, provide sound professional standards of operation, and build a stronger, more resilient business base (for all our members).

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Third Sector - News, Leadership and Professional Development