How CICA generates an additional $1 million per annum

The Crane Industry Council of Australia (CICA) is the peak national, member-based association for the crane industry within Australia. In 2002, the CICA Board had the vision to step up and lead the industry forward by developing a self-regulatory, national industry scheme called CraneSafe.

About CraneSafe

Cranes regularly perform high-risk operations. Daily, weekly and annual safety checks are required to safely maintain and operate a crane. In many cases major builders, contractors and union sites require evidence of compliance with Work Health and Safety’s regulatory Code of Practice.

Through the CraneSafe Program, crane owners can contract endorsed assessors to professionally inspect their cranes each year. Once the assessor confirms the crane meets the agreed industry inspection standard, CraneSafe issues a green compliance sticker in return for a $220 administration fee, which funds the CraneSafe Program and assists CICA safety and training initiatives.

Today CraneSafe is recognised internationally by European and American associations for improving the safety of the industry. In recent years the CraneSafe Program growth has exceeded 10 per cent per annum, annual crane assessments are approaching 7,000 and gross revenue exceeds $1 million per annum.

Tips to a successful program

It might sound reasonably simple, but it took years for the CraneSafe Program to become accepted across all states and to achieve the strong level of industry support that it now enjoys.

To progress an accreditation or certification program you need:

  • Leaders with knowledge and passion
  • Industry and member need plus an opportunity
  • Commitment to quality improvement
  • Ongoing industry and member support
  • Hard work and perseverance.

Additional benefits of a program

In the initial stages of program development there were skeptics and members who weren’t keen on raising the bar and incurring perceived additional safety compliance costs. However, as a responsible industry led by visionary leaders, CICA was able to improve the crane industry and build a program that has delivered on many levels.

In addition to strengthening finances and furthering the organisation’s mission, an accreditation or certification program can:

  • Raise standards within the industry
  • Serve the industry and members’ needs
  • Promote the industry and members
  • Increase coverage of the industry and members.
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