Going digital

The way people use technology is changing rapidly, with increasing numbers of subscribers electing to access Third Sector on a smart phone or tablet, and responding to these changes is a crucial part of maintaining relevance in a digital age.

Creating a digital magazine to run alongside our hardcover publication was about giving readers and advertisers options. The hardcover version will always have a place in the workplace as a reference of professional development tools and advice for sector professionals. The digital version not only responds to changing consumer behaviour of wanting a way to review publications digitally, but also offers a number of practical solutions, such as:

  • Easy to reference when on the go, or when the hardcover publication isn’t available
  • Contains search functionality to quickly look up specific topics
  • Invites you to be a prosumer, and share articles on social network sites
  • Enables you to click with ease onto supplier pages, reports and other external reference points
  • View videos relating to events covered in the magazine
  • Bookmark articles.

The magazine can be viewed from an iPad, iPhone or an Android operating system (in Flash), as well as a PC or laptop.

What’s best for my organisation?

Digital platforms open up new opportunities for organisations to interact and develop relationships with their stakeholders. As media changes, it’s important your organisation keeps
abreast of the new developments to maintain its relevance and position in the not-for-profit sector.

Interested in advertising?

Contact Third Sector to discuss the combined print and digital strategy that would best serve your organisation. Phone Lisa Feagan on (03) 9248 5100 or email {encode=”lfeagan@gs-press.com.au” title=”lfeagan@gs-press.com.au”}

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